Following Site contains
 information on the newest
 approaches in simulations
 and analyses of advanced
 thermal hydraulics of two
 phase flow.

 The two-phase flow is
 treated based on multi fluid
 technique in
 three-dimensional space.
 Spatial mesh generators
 and advanced numerical
 methods are developed and

 All of the approaches, here
 presented, are tested and
 verified against highly
 sophisticated experimental
 data produced by experts all
 over the world in famous

 Applications cover complex
 geometries and modern

 Last Update: Dec. 31, 2000.


 About the Author of A.T.H.A. Sites and some of his Friends who are contributing with work   
and advices. We have a lot of experiences in this field and wrote hundreds of referenced    


 List of Author’s Publications and Lectures (as well as of some Friends) concerning A.T.H.A.    
References are available. For Abstracts and PDF format of Publication of interest, please   
 contact us.   


 Details of A.T.H.A. Up-to-Date Research and Development being performed by the Author    
(and some Friends). Perhaps you can have application for stuff like: Phenomenon,    
Hysteresis and Anomaly of Boiling Curve, 2-Phase Flow 6 Fluids Schematization,    
2-Phase Flow Porous Media 3D Approach, 2-Phase Flow around Obstacles in 3D Space, ...   


 If you have any problem you need solution or any question to be answered in domain of     
A.T.H.A. or simply you need support, don’t hesitate to specify detailes.    
 We will responce.    


 Author has (with some Friends) developed a lot of usefull Routines in the field of A.T.H.A.,   
which could be interesting also for you. In this case or you need a help in making own    
Routines, please specify what would you like to have. We will write you.    


 In developing methods for solving and simulating processes related to A.T.H.A. in complex     
geometries the key role plays experimental data support. We have informations.    
The Author (and some Friends) is close to experts and world facilities producing them.    


 Informations about Conferences having Topics and/or Sessions related to A.T.H.A.: Links,    
Program, Call for Papers, Deadlines, Contact Persons... Write to us.    

Interested ?   Want to contact us or need Support ?  Do not hesitate !  Mail to: